
mercredi 19 février 2014

19 Q & A about the company PayPal

With the dawn of each day , Atfaji dozens of e-mails , which centered on questions or problems with Albaipal , so I decided to answer most of them in this post in order to be benefiting General , God willing , where I will build an objective system Q & A as well as to answer some questions put to in my account on your Facebook .
19 Q & A about the company PayPal Paypal

19 سؤال وجواب حول شركة بايبال  Paypal

Q: Can you send money from Albaipal to the card that got guardian of the Moroccan Bank " public company " ?
A: Yes, after the definition of Albaipal card account My ec @ rd obtained by you can click on Withdraw was selected the amount you want to convert , where you must wait 10 days in order to receive transfer to the card , otherwise the PayPal on top of each month you transfer your balance in Albaipal automatically to the card .

Q: Is PayPal works in all Arab countries , including Egypt and ?
 A: PayPal does not work with all Arab states , including Egypt and Morocco to the borders of 2012 had been suffering from the problem of PayPal in Morocco , thanks to the movement of ' We want PayPal in Morocco, " which pressed on the Moroccan state to support PayPal in Morocco .
Can the Arab states that Aidamha PayPal that you open an account in the Bank of Payoneer you can watch the episode about how to open a bank account in the United States for free : Episode 648 : Open a bank account in U.S. and get a bank card for free , after that you get your bank account , you can link it with Albaipal and defined has been transferred to your account receipts in the United States has been the amount of extraction through Payoneer card that works in any country . This was the signal for the solution works by Moroccan Medm before opening Albaipal in Morocco but also there is still the preferred .

Q: How is linking with Pioneer PayPal Paypal?
A: The way to link card Pioneer is quite simple enough that the card is activated and by the amount of more than two dollars to be able to connect them with the account , you can watch this episode explain the steps to link a bank card with a PayPal account : Episode 372 : Definition PayPal account by bank card Moroccan you can do the same steps in order to connect the card with Pioneer Albaipal .

Q: Is there a solution to connect the card with Pioneer PayPal Paypal without a credit card in the bank ?
A: No , unfortunately .
 Q: Do you support Paypal PayPal Moroccan banks ?
A: Yes, most of the banks have become the Moroccan company supports PayPal provided that they are working on a bank card online .

Q: do not provide the two accounts in Albaipal Paypal and I want to send money from one account to another , is this possible?
A: Yes, you can convert the amount of money from the PayPal account to another account owned by PayPal , which will be deducted from the company's coin operation.

Q: Is PayPal supports Iraq?
A: PayPal does not support the state of Iraq , but you can open a bank account in the United States for free and link it with the PayPal account , please see this episode : Episode 648 : open a bank account and get a U.S. bank card for free .

Q: Is it possible to link Paypal with Paypal Visa Moroccan Popular Bank and purchase them through the Qaddafi ?
A: You can connect with Visa Albaipal Banque Populaire and buying online .
Q: How much time it takes to transfer ? What is the minimum that must be overcome in the conversion ? What is the upper limit ? How much are the deductions ?
A: It takes time to convert money from PayPal to your bank card , according to the country if you are a Moroccan default time is 10 days , while the minimum converter you can convert any amount you want, either deduction is $ 5 for each transfer .

Q: Is it possible to activate PayPal account Paypal card by Payoneer?
A: Yes , provided that the card is disabled and has sufficient funds ( at least two dollars in order to activate the card ) .

Q: How can I withdraw the amount in cash without My ec @ rd, because they give a specific amount in a year?
A: The limit set by the Moroccan government on bank cards and specified in 10 000 dirhams per year , is a special operations purchase only, that Astbakal money on the card is limited and you can send any amount you want , even if more than 20 000 dirhams per year , there are no problem , the problem is only purchase through the card saluting shall Alataatjaoz 10 000 dirhams in the year of purchases , so users can withdraw money from cash Albeabal without a bank account or bank card .

Q: How can I withdraw funds from Albaipal Paypal?
A: You can withdraw money from across Albeabal sent to your bank card and withdrawn from any bank automatic .

Q: Can the company get through PayPal Paypal and spy on my account?
A: The company PayPal Inc. locked and the disposal of millions of dollars to many hackers non Akhlaqan as well as security experts information in order to detect security gaps and filled , you can use PayPal account safely , and in the event of any problem with the user accounts Be confident that the company will provide you your money and even give you compensation for any damage which you Tcespt :) .

Q : The best Moroccan bank card to withdraw from Paypal Paypal?
A: I advise Bank Public Company .

Q: How can I raise the limitation on the PayPal account in Paypal?
A: You can do this by defining the account.

Q: Can you define the PayPal Paypal account without a bank card ?
A: Yes , but must provide a U.S. bank account , please see this episode to get a U.S. bank account free of charge here .

Q: Can you send money to PayPal account through Paypal , Western Union and vice versa ?
A: currently can not .

Q: I noticed recently that the funds transferred from the Bible to the Pioneer Paypal automatically , what is the reason Is this normal?
A: Yes, very normal At the top of each month money will be transferred automatically to your preferred PayPal .

Q: How can I fill out my account in Albaipal ?
A: You can send money to your account through your bank card Albaipal related with your Albaipal , or as well as through PayPal or another account through a bank account connected to your account on Albaipal .

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